Type of hybrid: Three-way cross – Tc
FAO group: 220
Type of grain: flint–intermediate
Maintainer: CEZEA – šlechtitelská stanice, a. s., Čejč


  • very early, newly assigned hybrid suitable for silage production at any type of soils,
  • providing with high silage matter yields,
  • very decent yields of silage dry matter in the registration– achieved 18,0 tons per hectare, which means 101 % on the control mean,
  • very high quality of silage matter – excellent digestibility,
  • robust plants with very strong stalk tolerant to lodging,
  • high yield of energy from hectar – suitable for biogas production,
  • rapid early vigour,
  • tolerance to cooler stressful areas.
  • Optimal plant population (plants/ha)
  • silage 85–95 000
  • Quality indicators
  • Starch % 36,21
  • Fiber content in whole plant % 21,26
  • NDF content in whole plant % 47,58
  • Digestible fiber in whole plant % 59,98
  • DNDF in whole plant % 59,62
  • Organic matter digestibility % 69,12
  • NEL MJ/kg 6,46